Angus Council's fostering team raises £470 at charity bake sale for Foster Care Fortnight

Angus fostering team at bake sale, Bruce House, Arbroath on 14 May
Friday 17 May 2024

Our fostering team held a charity bake sale (Tuesday 14 May) during Foster Care Fortnight to support a local children’s charity and raise awareness of the need for foster carers in Angus. 

The bake sale at the council’s office in Bruce House, Arbroath saw staff and foster carers come together to bake and sell a variety of delicious treats, all for a worthy cause, while giving people thinking about becoming foster carers the chance to pop in to find out more. They raised £470 for a local children’s charity.

Running from 13 to 26 May 2024, Foster Care Fortnight is an annual campaign by The Fostering Network to raise the profile of fostering and show how foster care transforms lives.

The theme this year for Foster Care Fortnight is #FosteringMoments - moments that define fostering journeys, big and small that have helped children and young people feel safe, built their confidence and created memories. During the fortnight foster carers with the council will be sharing some of their memorable, proud and defining moments on the council’s social media channels. Memories such as:

“Seeing the young lad we’ve been supporting for a number of years get accepted for a joinery apprenticeship.”

“The baby I care for holding my hand until they fall asleep.”

And a short break carer who said:

“After an initial weekend placement with me a young person (age 13) came and stayed for three months. I remember picking him up from the bus stop after school every day and the hug he gave me as he got into the car.”

Convener of Families, Education and Justice, Cllr Lynne Devine said:

“The fostering team at Angus Council and our local community of foster carers work hard to raise awareness of the urgent need for carers in Angus.

“With a shortage of carers, we appreciate all they do to help shine a light on the crucial and life changing impact foster carers have on the lives of children and young people in Angus and encourage local people to become part of our fostering community too.

“I’d encourage anyone from any background thinking about becoming a foster carer to get in touch with the team at the council to find out more. You’ll be supported all the way by our wonderful staff.”

Across the fortnight, the council will be sharing fostering moments, information, busting myths and raising awareness of the need for foster carers on their Angus Council fostering and adoption social media channels.

To start your fostering journey and to find out more about fostering with Angus Council, visit our website  or give them a call on 01241 464646.