Bus timetables

Stagecoach services starting 13 May 2024

Bus services across Angus changed on 13 May with changes to both routes and timetables.

We are busy updating on-street information but regret that not all stops are up-to-date yet. The timetables will be updated as soon as we can. 

In the meantime the Stagecoach website has the new timetable details, or you can call them on 0345 241 8000.  

The information is also on Traveline Scotland  or by phone on 0871 200 22 33.

Plan a public transport journey anywhere in Scotland using the Traveline journey planner.

Timetables for bus journeys within Angus:

Service numberDescription

9 (until 19 May)

9 (from 20 May)

Montrose - Laurencekirk 

Due to storm damage on the A937 south of Marykirk route diverted between Craigo and Marykirk via the A90. The stops at the Hotel and Smithy Croft in Marykirk cannot be served.

Use the stops at Napier Lodge (village hall) instead.

The stops at Craigo, The Old Post Office, will also not be served. There are no stopping points on the diversion.

20 - 20C, 21 - 21BKirriemuir/Edzell - Stracathro Hospital - Brechin - Forfar - Dundee
Edzell Woods - Edzell - Stracathro Hospital - Brechin - Forfar - Dundee
Kirriemuir - Glamis - Dundee
22, 22DKirriemuir – Glamis – Dundee
23, 114 and 117

Forfar Town Services

For buses to and from Forfar Community Campus use the updated timetable for Service 21A

27Forfar - Letham - Arbroath
29Forfar – Gowanbank – Rescobie – Maryton – Montrose 
(operates on schooldays only)

30, 31 and 51

Dykes of Grey Summary

Fowlis - Liff - Birkhill - Dundee
34 (PDF - opens in new window)Brechin Town Services
35 and 140Arbroath bus Station - Auchmithie
36Arbroath - Arbirlot - Redford - Guthrie - Friockheim
39, 39AArbroath - Ethiebeaton Park - Dundee - Inchture - Perth
40, 40A, 47BArbroath bus station - Montrose - Stracathro Hospital
42 (PDF - opens in new window)Arbroath Sunday morning service
43Arbroath - Cliffburn and Timmergreens
46Arbroath Bus Station - Aikman Road
50Arbroath Bus Station - Arbroath Infirmary - Red Lion Caravan Park
51see 30, 31 and 51
52 (PDF - opens in new window)

Montrose Town Services

Service re-routed to serve the bus shelter on Erskine Street. No times have changed.

57, 57A, 57U (PDF - opens in new window)Blairgowrie – Alyth - Newtyle  - Muirhead – Birkhill - Dundee
59 (PDF - opens in new window)Blairgowrie – Coupar Angus – Piperdam - Muirhead – Birkhill - Dundee
Arbroath - Carnoustie - Monifieth - Dundee - Ninewells Hospital
78 & 79Monikie - Newbigging - Wellbank - Kellas - Monifieth - Dundee
107 (PDF - opens in new window)Montrose - Stonehaven
114 and 117see 23, 114 and 117
118Forfar - Tannadice - Noranside Circular
125Forfar - Glamis - Eassie/Kirriemuir
121Kirriemuir – Memus – Cortachy – Dykehead –
Kinnordy – Kirriemuir
128 & 129Kirriemuir - Airlie - Alyth, Kirriemuir - Whiteside - Brechin Road
35, 140 and 141Stracathro Hospital - Brechin - Friockheim - Arbroath
181 and 181ACarnoustie - Monifieth - Wellbank/Newbigging - ForfarX7
537 and 538Sidlaw Area Demand Responsive Bus Service
539Tealing - Inveraldie - Murroes - Dundee
X7Aberdeen - Stonehaven - Montrose - Arbroath - Dundee


Dial a ride services

Long distance coach services

Public holiday timetables

25 December and 1 January: no services operate.

26 December and 2 January: Sunday services operate.

While every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of the timetables listed above, Angus Council can accept no liability for loss, damage or inconvenience caused by any errors.