Scheme for the establishment of Community Councils

After completion of a review in 2022, the following Scheme for the Establishment of Community Councils was approved by Angus Council on 30 June 2022 and came into effect on 1 August 2022. This scheme provides the framework for the operation of community councils in Angus.


The role and responsibilities of Community Councils

The role and responsibilities of a Community Council in Angus shall be to proactively identify and assess issues of importance to its local community. Taking into account views expressed by the public and any other relevant evidence, it should either take such action as it considers to be suitable or convey its finding and conclusions to the relevant authority for consideration.

It is essential that these views are demonstrated to be accurately representative of the community and, accordingly, the community council will have in place recognised consultative mechanisms to validate their views; and devise strategies to secure greater involvement by all sectors of the community.

A community council has a statutory right to be consulted on planning applications. Licensing matters and any other matters may also be jointly agreed between the community councils, Angus Council and other public sector and private agencies. 

A community council may carry out other activities that are in the general interests of the communities it represents, provided these activities fall within its constitution and the terms of the council’s scheme of establishment of community councils. 

There should be mutual engagement in the establishment of working relationships with the council and other agencies. In carrying out its activities a community council must at all times adhere to the law, this scheme, and the code of conduct for community councillors. 

Each community council is required to adopt a constitution and standing orders, to encourage and maintain consistency for all community councils; and to underpin that their proceedings are properly structured and regulated to ensure that items of business are relevant to the community, properly debated and decisions reached in a democratic manner. 

The constitution and standing orders of a community council shall follow the terms of the model constitution and standing orders as contained in Appendices 1 and 2.

A community councils’ constitution requires to be approved by the council.

A community council should be non-party political in all its activities. 

A community council has a statutory duty to represent the views of its local community. It is vital therefore, that it reflects the broad spectrum of opinion and interests of all sections of the community. In order to fulfil its responsibilities as effective and representative, community councils shall: 

i. Inform the community of the work and decisions of a community council by posting agendas and minutes of meetings in public places, such as libraries and notice boards; and subject to the provisions contained with the Data Protection Act 2018, provide details of community council members.

ii. Agendas and draft minutes of a community council meeting must be produced with 21 days from the date of that meeting, to enable their circulation to the council, and relevant elected members of the council, council officers and other interested parties.

iii. Seek to broaden both representation and expertise by promoting the associate membership to community councils of persons for specific projects/issues. 

iv. Make particular efforts to encourage young people and other under-represented groups to attend/participate in community council meetings and to ensure equality of opportunity in the way a community council carries out its functions. 

v. Maintain proper financial records and present financial reports at community council meetings. 

vi. Inform the council of any change in membership (resignations, co-option, associate membership etc.) and circumstances, as soon as is practicable. 

Further details can be found in the following supporting publications: 

  • Policy statement on the council’s relationship with community councils
  • Good practice agreement and information booklet for community councillors

Next: Community Council areas