Angus Tenant and Community Engagement Strategy


Our role in helping you participate

We are fully committed to support the work of tenants, service users and staff to meet the aims of this strategy. We will:

  • Work in partnership with other staff, partners and voluntary sectors to support tenants and residents groups.
  • Work with tenants to facilitate learning opportunities and information sessions.
  • Produce and develop news about housing and make it available to all of our tenants.
  • Provide advice, training and support on setting up and running a tenants and residents group or RTO.
  • Provide start-up grant funding and annual funding to RTOs.
  • Continue to promote and recruit new tenant volunteers.
  • Help tenants and residents respond to consultations.
  • Ensure tenants and service users have the skills, knowledge, and confidence to participate.
  • Ensure tenants are given information in a format that is relevant to them.
  • Proactively pursue opportunities for establishing tenants' groups.
  • Organise neighbourhood walkabouts.
  • Proactively seek to engage with hard to reach groups as identified.
  • Provide accessible venues for tenants and residents meetings.
  • Cover expenses associated with participation.

Next: Our priorities for 2019 to 2020