Angus Tenant and Community Engagement Strategy


Our priorities for 2019 to 2020

We will explore the feasibility of establishing RTO/tenant/residents groups in three areas per year. This will include engaging with harder to reach groups and increasing our membership for our Angus Tenants' Steering Groups.

We will:

  • Establish a tenants’ e-panel for consultation and information sharing with tenants and explore options for making this interactive, such as a closed Facebook group.
  • Establish a Scrutineer panel for 2019/2020 service reviews and provide training to carry these out.
  • Advise our groups and Housing Improvement Teams of the tenant participation activity every six months.
  • Support and maximise learning and achievements opportunities for our Angus Tenants' Steering Group and RTOs.
  • Continue to promote and advertise tenant participation in the best format for our tenants, and review and revise our information about tenant participation
  • Continue to undertake tenant consultation on performance scrutiny and develop the way we present our annual performance with our tenant groups/panels.
  • Continue to undertake tenant consultation on rent-setting.
  • Give recognition for learning and participation through awards and accreditations.
  • Facilitate a range of housing consultations and assistance to tenants to allow them to participate fully in the consultations, including providing feedback on the outcomes of consultations and how these changes will affect tenants.
  • Produce a calendar of tenant participation opportunities including attendance at community events, supermarkets, hospitals and libraries etc, to promote tenant participation activity.
  • Arrange networking events to allow our tenant groups to learn from other groups from other areas in how they work together to make tenant participation a reality.
  • Develop tenant involvement on our Housing Improvement Teams.
  • Consult on how our tenant participation budget is spent each year with the members of the Angus Tenants Steering Group.
  • Develop local area action plans in partnership with our local Community Housing Teams.

Next: Equal opportunities