Angus Council conditions of service: teachers, music instructors and other education professionals

Excludes educational psychologists.

Supplementary information to the key terms and conditions of service referred to in your Statement of Employment Particulars is provided here with full details available from your head teacher or line manager or on the Employee Matters area of the council intranet site, access will be given when you start employment. Full national terms and conditions are available at Scottish Negotiating Committee for Teachers.


Grievance procedure

The grievance procedure is intended to enable employees to seek redress for complaints relating to their employment where normal management/employee communication has failed to resolve matters. The procedure aims to resolve complaints at as early a stage as possible. The procedure applies should you wish to complain formally about any matter relating to your work, the working environment or working relationships.

Grievances are handled in line with the following principles taken from the full Grievance Procedure (AJNCT/10): (a) All grievances should be dealt with quickly, fairly and within agreed time limits. (b) Individual and group grievances should be dealt with using the same procedures and including the same stages. (c) Decisions relating to a grievance should be taken at the lowest appropriate level and should, where possible, involve the use of informal mechanisms to secure a resolution and (d) It is anticipated that the use of the "status quo ante" provisions should be restricted to grievances which relate to situations where changes to terms and conditions are being contemplated. However, it should also apply, where practicable, to changes to working practices or organisational structures. The council also has separate procedure for flexible working, bullying and harassment and disciplinary matters.

Next: Incident report and investigation