Help with benefits and/or debts


Budgeting: planner and advice

There are a number of ways you can make your money go further, from improving energy efficiency measures to getting the right bank account.

For more links and information visit out Help with the cost of living page.

Bank accounts, savings and borrowing

For information on the variety of savings and borrowing options that can help you manage your money visit the Capital Credit Union website.

Get the right bank account. There are a range of banks and building societies in Angus which offer free basic bank accounts. Visit the bank's website to find your local branch.

For information on a wider range of bank accounts visit the Money Advice Service website.


If you are considering working or increasing your current hours of work, check for vacancies on the Find a Job service. Call into your local Jobcentre Plus office to access their job search terminals. Invest in Angus have key workers who provide advice and assistance on a range of employability issues such as training grant applications and possible short term funding of childcare costs.


If you are considering more affordable housing, use our Housing Options Wizard for personalised information and advice. Our council and social housing options pages also give information on housing options.

Charity shops

There are a number of charity shops in Angus which sell a range of items from clothes to white goods and household furniture.