Our bright futures



This summary report covers the period 1 April 2021 to 31 March 2022 bringing our year four report back in line with Scottish Government reporting periods. Despite the challenges of Covid-19, the report details some of the fantastic work that has been done over the past year showing the solid foundations upon which our partnership stands and upon which our future will be built. 

In response to The Promise, which brought the voices and experiences of thousands of children, young people and adults right into the centre of service planning, within this reporting period The Angus Promise Plan was launched, our local commitment to The Promise. 

The challenge remains for many of our children and their families who are struggling in the context of inequalities including child poverty with low income, poor quality housing, lack of social and economic opportunity and the impacts of mental health, substance use and domestic abuse. Initial evidence suggests that Covid-19 has made these already significant difficulties more pronounced, and the current cost of living crisis is increasing the risk of financial hardship across all of our communities. 

The Best Start, Bright Futures – Tackling Child Poverty Delivery Plan 2022-2026 guides us through the Scottish Government’s policy landscape and our recent service design project has brought into the forefront of our work the lived experience and voices of those with protected characteristics. While engaging with partners and our communities we received regular feedback around the word poverty, and the stigma and negative connotations it can carry. We have therefore decided to rename our report Our Bright Futures Report which aligns even more to national policy. 

We are continuing our work and engagement with our communities to co-design services to ensure we deliver the most effective and person-centred support, care and protection to take our children out of poverty. We have consulted widely on our commitments throughout and recognise that we all need to continue to challenge each other to hold true to these. 

Margo Williamson  
Chief Executive, Angus Council

Grant Archibald 
Chief Executive, NHS Tayside

Next: Governance/Oversight of Our Bright Futures Report