Participation request

Participation requests are a way for community groups to be involved in decisions aimed at extending and improving outcomes for their community.

They do not replace existing forms of involvement or engagement. Instead, they create new opportunities to influence public service provision.

Other useful information on Participation Requests and the Community Empowerment (Scotland) Act appears on the websites of the Scottish Community Development Centre and the Scottish Government.

Who can make a request

Under the terms of the Community Empowerment (Scotland) Act 2015, a Participation Request must be made by a "community participation body". This could be:

  • a community controlled body
  • a community council
  • a body designated by Scottish Ministers

How to make a request

Before making a request, contact one of our officers to discuss your idea.

They will be able to advise on whether a participation request is appropriate. If it is, please put your request in writing and include:

  1. Name of your organisation and contact details
  2. The public service authority to which the request is being made
  3. The outcome that your community group wants to improve
  4. How will the outcome be improved because of the involvement of your community group

Send it to

What happens next

You will receive notification within 14 days on whether your request has been confirmed as VALID.

Once we have received a valid Participation Request your community should receive a decision on whether your request has been granted within 30 days. If we need any further information from your community in order to make that decision we will let you know.

If the request involves another public body as well as Angus Council then your community will receive a response within 45 days. This is to give us time to contact the other public body and establish whether they agree to participate in the process.

If your community’s request has been accepted then the Outcome Improvement Process will normally start within 90 days of you receiving your decision.

The Outcome Improvement Process

In your community’s request, you will tell us what the outcome is that you would like to see improved. If your Participation Request is accepted, then within 90 days we will have started the process of working with your community to look at how that outcome can be improved.

When we tell your community that your request has been granted we will

  • describe the operation of the outcome improvement process
  • specify what stage it has already reached
  • set out how the community will participate in the process
  • identify others that are part of the process and how they will participate

Refused requests

If your request is refused we will explain the reasons why. There is no right of appeal. However we will submit a report to the Scottish Government annually which will outline all requests received, the decision made, the results of any outcome improvement process, and the reasons any requests were refused.