Arbroath and area Locality Plan


What people are telling us

image of talking head
  • the town centre and some other parts of the town need to be improved
  • the community needs to have more say
  • it's not as easy to access services as it should be - especially mental health and employability
  • we don't promote the area and its assets as well as we could
  • we need to improve support for those seeking work
  • we need to make the town and surrounding area more accessible for everyone
  • leisure, sports and cultural activities are too expensive for lots of people
  • people are having difficulties accessing Personal Independence Payments
  • the dual carriageway splits Arbroath
  • there aren't enough job opportunities
  • people would like to volunteer but don't know how to
  • not everyone can have a bank account to access online services
  • we need more support for people with substance misuse - young people and adults
  • we need to improve employability support for people who experience difficulties with dyslexia or on the autistic spectrum
  • more people are experiencing financial difficulties and food poverty
  • we don't have enough accommodation for visitors - especially hotels
  • some people can't access the internet or aren't confident using it
  • too many people are isolated because of their health or where they live