Health and Wellbeing Census Survey

The Health and Wellbeing Census Survey helps Community Planning Partnerships (CPPs) to make better decisions about how to improve the services for children, young people and their families, and to monitor progress in our mission to improve the health and wellbeing outcomes for children and young people in our local area.

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Health and wellbeing survey questions

When completing the survey online, pupils will only see one question at a time on the screen.

They do not have to answer any questions they do not wish to. Not every pupil will necessarily be presented with every question; the answers to some questions will determine which subsequent questions are presented.

P5 survey questions (PDF)

P6 survey questions (PDF)

P7 survey questions (PDF)

S1 survey questions (PDF)

S2 survey questions (PDF)

S3 survey questions (PDF)

S4 survey questions (PDF)

S4 substance use questionnaire (PDF)

S5 survey questions (PDF)

S6 survey questions (PDF)