Angus Council Shoreline Management Plan II

End date
24 June 2016

A Shoreline Management Plan (SMP) provides a large-scale assessment of the risks associated with erosion and flooding at the coast. It also presents policies to help manage these risks to people and to the developed, historic and natural environment in a sustainable manner.

A SMP is a working document and requires updating over time to ensure:

  • any new information and improved understanding of coastal processes is incorporated into shoreline management decisions;
  • any change in coastal use or local-level issues is taken into account;
  • the policies adhere to new environmental legislation, such as Strategic Environmental Assessment,
  • Habitat Regulation Appraisal and Water Framework Directive Assessment;
  • the policies take due account of any change in governance or funding.

The Angus SMP has been reviewed and a revised plan developed (SMP2) - it takes account of the latest available information and our current understanding of flood and coastal erosion risks.



Peter Morton,, 01307 473378

Mark Davidson,, 01307 473329

Associated documents/websites
Results and progress

Our consultant is currently compiling & reviewing all the feedback responses we received from the Have your say and consultation events.