Women's centre survey

End date
9 April 2021

During lockdown last year, and again this current lockdown we are living through, organisations across Angus adapted to deliver the best services they could in the safest ways possible.

COVID 19 has dramatically changed how we all live our lives and so the time is right to look at how we deliver our services in Angus.  

Following discussions with women in Angus we are looking to create a women’s centre in Angus where women would be able get information about a range of issues and access a wide range of services across Angus.  The aim is to put women at the centre of this. 

We  will be creating both a real centre , once COVID restrictions permit, and a virtual online centre in the form of a website.

This survey is the first of several events we are planning to hear from women in Angus what they need and would want from a Women’s Service.