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Variation to Civic Government (Scotland) Act 1982
This application relates to request from current licence holder(s) to vary existing licence and/or request consent for a material change of circumstances for licences held under the Civic Government (Scotland) Act 1982.
The application form should be completed and returned to Angus Council, Legal and Democratic Services, Angus House, Orchardbank Business Park, Forfar, DD8 1AN or by email to
The lodging fee of £75 (or £19 for registered charities) should be submitted with the application form. Please note this fee is non-refundable.
A separate application must be submitted for each licence request being made.
Depending on the change/variation sought, you may be required to display a Notice at or near the premises intimating that an application has been lodged. Please note that you will be informed of whether this is required once the application has been checked.
On receipt of your application form, and depending which type of licence is held, we may share a copy of the form with some or all of those consultees as detailed below:-
- Building Control
- Police Scotland
- Emergency Planning
- Scottish Ambulance Service
- Environmental and Consumer Protection
- Scottish Fire and Rescue Service
- Finance Licensing Standards Officer
- Health and Safety Executive
- Scottish Water
- Housing Showman’s Guild
- Leisure Services
- Community Council
- Planning
- Roads
- Trading Standards
- Planning
Once the consultation process has been undertaken, should there be no representations or objections on your application, the licence will be varied under delegated powers and issued shortly thereafter.
Please note, should there be any representations or objections on your application, the application will require to be considered by the next available Civic Licensing Committee which generally meets on a six weekly cycle.
You will be invited to attend the Civic Licensing Committee to speak to your application.
£75 (or £19 for registered charities)