Housing Quality & Maintenance | 2020/21 | 2021/22 | 2022/23 | Latest Scottish Average |
Performance |
Percentage of stock meeting the Scottish Housing Quality Standard (Indicator 7) | 94.24% | 70.67% | 56.66% | 70.91% | Declined |
Average length of time taken to complete emergency repairs (Indicator 11) | 12.85 hours | 14.52 hours | 9.32 hours | 4.70 hours | Improved |
Average length of time taken to complete non-emergency repairs (Indicator 12) | 13.83 days | 14.16 days | 9.34 days | 9.68 days | Improved |
Percentage of reactive repairs carried out in the last year completed right first time (Indicator 13) | 70.56% | 28.97% | 80.17% | 88.19% | Improved |
New - How many times in the reporting year did not meet your statutory duty to complete a gas safety check (Indicator 11). | 11 | 8 | 13 | 454 | Declined |
Percentage of tenants who have had repairs or maintenance carried out in last 12 months satisfied with the repairs and maintenance service (Indicator 16) | 81.71% | 89.71% | 99.76% | 88.51% | Improved |
Average time to complete approved applications for medical adaptations in the reporting year (Indicator 23) | 25.33 days | 92.27 days | 87.56 days | 46.89 days | Improved |