Angus Council conditions of service: teachers, music instructors and other education professionals

Excludes educational psychologists.

Supplementary information to the key terms and conditions of service referred to in your Statement of Employment Particulars is provided here with full details available from your head teacher or line manager or on the Employee Matters area of the council intranet site, access will be given when you start employment. Full national terms and conditions are available at Scottish Negotiating Committee for Teachers.


General Teaching Council Standards and Code Of Professionalism – Teachers Only

The Standard for Full Registration specifies what is expected of a fully registered teacher with the General Teaching Council Scotland and gives information on how to meet the standard. Standards also exist for Head Teachers and Chartered Teachers. A copy of the code is available on the Education Intranet.

The Code of Professionalism & Conduct sets out key principles and values for teacher and sets out the standards of conduct and competence expected. A serious breach or series of minor breaches of the standards could impact on a teacher’s fitness to teach. A copy of the code is available on the Education Intranet.

Next: Grievance procedure