You are entitlement to annual leave entitlement of 40 days is working full time and pro rata if part time. The balance of days beyond the working year and annual leave entitlement are school closure days and are agreed locally in line with the national pattern of annual leave.
A teacher or music instructor shall be entitled to accrued compensatory leave entitlement for each complete week of a school holiday which has been lost due to sickness absence, up to a maximum of 10 days in any one leave year, to be taken at a time agreed by the council. Where a continuous period of absence of at least 4 weeks falls with a summer vacation, 2 days leave for each complete week lost will be accrued. An absence of at least 2 weeks duration, incorporating 1 week of any other vacation, will accrue 2 days leave for each full week lost.
A teacher or music instructor unable to take the statutory leave entitlement due to sickness absence within a leave year will received the balance of leave up to the statutory leave entitlement for that leave year. The statutory leave entitlement is not in addition to the compensatory leave entitlement. Leave entitlement can be taken during a period of sickness absence and is treated as annual leave.
On leaving employment with the council, the leave entitlement accrued within the current and any previous (where relevant) leave years will be calculated. Where fewer days have been taken a day’s pay will be paid and where more leave has been taken than entitlement due, a day’s pay may be recovered for each day in excess of entitlement
Next: Business mileage and subsistence expenses