Angus Council conditions of service: teachers, music instructors and other education professionals

Excludes educational psychologists.

Supplementary information to the key terms and conditions of service referred to in your Statement of Employment Particulars is provided here with full details available from your head teacher or line manager or on the Employee Matters area of the council intranet site, access will be given when you start employment. Full national terms and conditions are available at Scottish Negotiating Committee for Teachers.


Employee code of conduct

The code sets out the standards of conduct the council expects of employees. Specifically, if it comes to your knowledge that you have a personal financial interest in a contract, whether directly or indirectly, which has been, or is proposed to be, entered, into by the council, you must advise your Service Director (in writing) of the interest as soon as possible. You should not ask for or accept any gifts or hospitality unless you can justify accepting that gift or hospitality; and be sure that you will not be criticised for doing so;

You are personally responsible for any decision you make on accepting gifts or hospitality offered to you and, if appropriate, your partner. If you are in any doubt, seek advice from your Service Director. Failure to adhere to this policy may result in disciplinary action being taken against you. You should not keep any fee, commission or other payment you collect or receive without permission from your Service Director. If any fee, commission or payment is accepted by a person or organisation who has or may get a contract from the council or for goods or services, then this may result in immediate dismissal.

Next: General Teaching Council Standards and Code Of Professionalism – Teachers Only