Drone use protocol

Our general principle is that we welcome the opportunity that drones provide for:

  • filming the landscape of Angus and publicising this to others
  • the practical use for drones to carry out aerial inspections of buildings
  • the recreational enjoyment that drones can give, while ensuring that drone flights do not interfere inappropriately with the use and enjoyment of council property and land by others


Parks and recreational areas

We do not allow drones, or other remote controlled aircraft, in parks and recreational areas. This ensures that these activities do not interfere with the enjoyment of such areas by our other customers.

Drone filming guidelines

If the council wishes to film using a drone, we will only hire a Civil Aviation Authority (CAA) licensed pilot/company.

Any company who approaches us with a request to fly a drone for filming for any purpose on our land, must be CAA licensed, where required, and have a valid Permissions for Aerial Works certificate along with public liability insurance of £5m.

The responsibility of any flight and its legalities rests with the drone operator.

Anyone using a small drone needs to be aware of the regulations contained in the Air Navigation Order.

The drone pilot will be required to complete a site specific assessment, and apply appropriate control measures such as spotters or timing of the flights, and this assessment should include various factors such as:

  • safety of the public, including children, and domestic pets
  • wildlife, particularly birds, in consultation with NatureScot and/or Scottish Wildlife Trust as appropriate
  • prevention of any data protection infringements
  • prevention of any filming of people/property outwith the area for which permission is being granted (such as overlooking of other properties)

Using a drone to record images of other people without their consent could be construed as a breach of the Data Protection Act or the CCTV Code of Practice (400 KB PDF). This was recently extended to include public use of drones where they are collecting information about individuals.

Pilots are asked to give the council adequate advance notice of their proposals to allow us to give approval and inform staff who may have an involvement.

We understand that drone flights are weather dependent and dates may need to be changed, but early notification will allow agreement in principle.

Pilots must submit their request and information a minimum of seven working days in advance of their initial flight dates.

Failure to provide the information above will delay the granting of any permission and ultimately permission will be refused.

As part of the request to use council land, operators should therefore provide, at the time of their request, at least seven working days in advance of the proposed flight, a copy of their:

  • Civil Aviation Authority licence
  • Permissions for Aerial Works certificate
  • Public Liability Insurance to the value of £5million
  • details of their site specific assessment
  • confirmation of contact with other bodies such as SNH and their agreement to the proposals
  • details of their site control measures as required following the assessment
  • proposed date and time of flights and duration of operations

Film makers are advised to contact FifeScreen and TayScreen Scotland for assistance and Advice.

For more information or to make a request, please email ROADS@angus.gov.uk.

Further information on flying drones is available on the Civil Aviation website.