Groups and services for parents and carers, helping to build positive relationships.
Research tells us that the biggest influences on children's outcomes are:
- the quality of the relationship with their parents and carers
- and what they do with their family, from birth - known as the home learning environment.
Peep Learning Together Aims
- parents and carers to enrich their children's life chances, by making the most of everyday learning opportunities (listening, talking, playing, singing and sharing books and stories together)
- children to become confident communicators and active learners through play
- practitioners to develop their work with parents/carers and young children.
- parents and carers to recognise and build on their own learning potential and achievements
- communities to support children’s learning, which appears even before children reach school.
Peep Programme delivery is underpinned by the principles.
What is the Peep Learning Together Programme?
For parents/carers of children ages 3-6 years.
The programme helps parents and carers create the best start for their children by:
- improving the home learning environment through valuing and extending learning opportunities in everyday life
- developing secure relationships with their children
Supporting parents/carers, the programme aims to support children's:
- personal, social and emotional development
- communication and language
- early literacy
- early maths
- health and physical development
How Peep is delivered
Groups run weekly for 6 weeks. Session last up to 60 minutes.
Groups take place in:
- Abbey View Campus, Community Wing Arbroath, Starting Tuesday 28 August, 9:15 to 10:30am
- Seaview Primary School, Starting week beginning 2 September, further details to follow
- Carnoustie ELCC, open to those families attending ELCC and Panmure Preschool, further details to follow
Download the Peep Learning Together Programme Overview leaflet
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