If you, or an adult you know, are at immediate risk of harm contact the police on 999.
If you are worried about an adult, and believe they may be at risk of harm you can report it online.
We will treat any information about you with care. We will only reveal some information, such as your name, if the adult’s safety depends on it.
You can submit this form anonymously, and we will still look into the adult’s situation, but it might make it more difficult.
In certain circumstances, we may need to share with other professionals the information you give us, to make sure we are taking the right action to protect the adult at risk.
Report an adult protection concern
Some adults may be more at risk because of a disability, illness or health condition.
Anyone could cause harm. It could be family, friends, paid staff, volunteers, other service users or strangers.
What happens next
We will take all information seriously and act on it. In all cases we will make an initial inquiry.
This may lead to a more detailed investigation of the person’s circumstances.
A social worker or care manager will work with them to decide what help they need. They will also make sure that what is done to protect the adult from harm is of most benefit to the adult and allows them to be as independent as possible.
Sometimes we will arrange a meeting, called a case conference, to decide what to do next. This meeting will involve a range of people such as social workers, police and health-care professionals.
The people at the meeting may decide to:
- provide support, help or advice to the adult or carer
- provide a service to the adult or carer
- take steps to remove the adult from the harmful situation or stop a person who causes harm from having contact with them
- report the matter to the Mental Welfare Commission or the Care Commission
- move the adult to hospital or a care home for a short while.
The police might charge a person causing harm. Remember to report anything you are worried about.
Never assume that someone else will recognise and report what you have seen or heard. An adult’s safety may depend on you telling someone about something you are worried about.