Condensation and dampness in council houses


Causes of condensation

Many of the reports the council receives of ‘damp’ from tenants is caused by condensation in their home which can lead to mould growth.

Condensation occurs naturally in homes when moisture comes into contact with cold surfaces such as walls or windows. The water in the air changes to liquid and forms the water droplets that you can see.

Condensation in your home can be caused by: 

  • cooking
  • cleaning
  • bathing
  • drying clothes indoors
  • poor ventilation
  • inadequate heating

If condensation isn’t dealt with it can lead to mould growing on walls, windows, and furniture. This can be harmful to the health of you and your family.

No matter if you live in a house or flat, you can’t get away from the water that is held in the air. You can’t cure condensation, but you can manage it.

Next: Dealing with condensation