Building warrants


Apply and pay for a building warrant

You can apply for a building warrant online at

Building work must comply with the building regulations. If you want to find someone who can certify that plumbing, electrical or energy work complies with building regulations, use The Scottish Government's Building Standards Certification Register.

There is guidance available on how to make a good quality application and we would encourage you to read this before making an application.

Online payments and fees

You can pay online at, or, if you've been given a Scottish Government or Angus Council payment reference number, you can make a payment using our online form.

Our table of fees has been taken from section 3.14 of the Scottish Government's Procedural Handbook.

You may also find this fee calculator helpful.

What happens next

We record current applications on Public Access.

We assess valid applications within 20 working days.

If your application needs revisions we will contact you or your agent with details.

If your application complies with the building regulations we will approve it and issue a Construction Compliance Notification Plan (CCNP).

You must meet any requirement we set out in this plan.

If you have not applied for a building warrant before you may find the Scottish Government's Building Standards Customer Journey guide useful.

What to do when the building work is complete

When work is finished, you should submit a Completion Certificate Submission and all relevant paperwork as noted on the completion checklist in the Building Warrant approval pack.

Once the Completion Certificate Submission has been received, the inspecting officer will contact you to arrange a suitable day and time for inspection of the building warrant works.

If the works meet the approved plans and building regulations, the Completion Certificate will be accepted. I will send confirmation of this to you/your agent.

The completion certificate is an important document if and when you decide to sell your property.

If you can't apply online

We'll accept a paper application form and drawings (maximum A3 size) via post.

Before applying, read our Building Standards Privacy Statement for details on how we will use your personal information.

You can make an online payment when submitting an application form via post or when making a payment outwith the portal.

Next: How to view building warrants using Public Access