Contribution Policy: non-residential care and support

Applicable from April 2023


Appendix 2 - Personal Care

Support provided for the personal hygiene of the person cared for such as:

  1. Shaving;
  2. Cleaning teeth (whether or not they are artificial) by means of a brush or dental floss and (in the case of artificial teeth) by means of soaking;
  3. Providing assistance in rinsing the mouth;
  4. Keeping finger nails and toe nails trimmed;
  5. Assisting the person with going to the toilet or with using a bedpan or other receptacle;
  6. where the person is fitted with a catheter or stoma, providing such assistance as is requisite to ensure cleanliness and that the skin is kept in a favourable hygienic condition;
  7. Where the person is incontinent;
    1. the consequential making of the person’s bed and consequential changing and laundering of the person’s bedding and clothing; and
    2. caring for the person’s skin to ensure that it is not adversely affected.

Eating requirements, the preparation of, or the provision of any assistance with the preparation of, the person’s food including (without prejudice to that generality):

  1. defrosting, washing, peeling, cutting, chopping, pureeing, mixing or combining, cooking, heating or re-heating, or otherwise preparing food or ingredients;
  2. cooking, heating or re-heating pre-prepared fresh or frozen food;
  3. portioning or serving food;
  4. cutting up, pureeing or otherwise processing food to assist with eating it;
  5. advising on food preparation; and
  6. assisting in the fulfilment of special dietary needs.

Next: Appendix 3 - Taper Rate - set by Angus Council