Day care for adults with learning disabilities

Due to current COVID restrictions our building-based services are operating on a very limited capacity, there is also an outreach service running parallel to the building base service.  Access to these services would be based on an assessment which would be undertaken by a Care Manager.

If you wish to discuss accessing these services then the preferred contact would be by telephone or email.

This service covers both Day Care and Residential Care services for adults with learning disabilities.

The day care service is for individuals aged 16 years or over, with a learning disability and/or a diagnosis of autism with a learning disability who live in Angus and require a building based service to meet assessed day care support needs.

The building based service provides a flexible service for individuals with complex health needs and/or behaviour that challenges. The service is building based with support available Monday to Friday. The support provided is outcome focussed and person centred.

There is a charge for attending the centres and you will be assessed to find out how much you will have to pay.

If you decide to have lunch provided, you will also have to pay for this. Attending a centre will not affect your benefits. Get benefits advice from our Welfare Rights Team.


Lilybank Resource Centre, Forfar

Placements at the centre are based on an assessment undertaken by a care manager. Following the outcome of this assessment, if appropriate, arrangements are made to attend the centre.

For those that have a specific assessed need, Lilybank Resource Centre has a well-equipped sensory environment and can access the therapy pool at Rosehill Resource Centre.

You are very welcome to visit the centre, but please contact the manager on 01307 494248 to arrange a time. You may want to visit with your care manager or carer.

Lilybank Resource Centre is open Monday to Friday from 8:45am to 4pm.