Child protection information for parents and carers


Child protection case conference

At a Child Protection Case Conference, the chairperson will meet with you before the conference starts to explain the process and hear any concerns you might have.

If you wish to discuss anything with the chairperson before the meeting please call 01241 438489.

If your child's name is placed on the Child Protection Register, a Child Protection Plan will be agreed.

The plan sets out what needs to be done to reduce the risk of future harm and offers support to you and your child.

Usually , after no more than three months, there will be a review of the decision to place your child's name on the Child Protection Register.

If your child's name is not placed on the Child Protection Register but help or support is needed in caring for your child, this will be discussed at the meeting.

Any professional reports or views by parents received by the chairperson will be held on file in line with Angus Council's records management policy.

A written note of the conference will be produced by the review service and sent to you and everyone invited to the conference, unless the chairperson identifies a reason why information should not be shared with everyone.

Please discuss any concerns you might have with the chairperson.

For further information contact your child's social worker.

If you need to speak to someone out of office hours, contact 01382 307964.

Next: Your rights and where to get help