Storm Babet Support

Friday 17 November 2023

Storm Babet has impacted the lives of everyone in Angus. It caused more damage than we have ever experienced before, either directly with their homes or businesses or by the impact on our transport network and other day to day services.

Support for affected residents

If you or someone you know has been affected by the flooding, whether you own your home or are a council tenant, please know that a range of support is available. If you haven’t already been in touch, please contact us by completing the form on our website or calling the ACCESSLine on 03452 777 778.

The Scottish Flood Forum can also provide advice, whether you were insurance or uninsured. You can contact them on 0131 563 9392.

Package of support for residents and businesses

The Scottish Government announced yesterday (16 November) additional funding to aid recovery efforts related to Storm Babet. This includes:

  • £1500 to people whose properties were most affected by flooding
  • £3000 grants to businesses where there is evidence that ability to trade was severely impacted by the flooding.

As soon as we have the finalised award from Scottish Government, we will open an application process for both the individual grant and for the grant for businesses and will be back in touch once the fund opens and we have information on the relevant terms and conditions. 

Call to community organisations

Some community halls or spaces may have been damaged following the storm. If your facility has been affected, please get in touch to let us know.

Additionally, if any resilience support is required for your community or you would like advice on protecting against future flooding or would like to join Angus Council’s resilience Forum, please contact our Resilience Officer at