Managing the built heritage of Angus


A conservation approach to change

Our starting point for managing change in the historic environment is:

  • protecting what is important
  • enhancing the quality of our heritage assets
  • preventing their loss as far as possible

Our 'Conservation Approach’ means good stewardship: “doing as much as necessary and as little as possible” in line with good traditional building practices. This approach promotes:

  • retain and repair as the first response
  • replace only when necessary
  • reinstate original features
  • reuse buildings ahead of removal (demolition) and redevelopment

Retain and Repair

Listed building consent may be required for repairs - please check.

The starting point should always be the retention of the building and its historic interest. Traditional building materials including stone, slate and timber are very durable when regularly and appropriately maintained. They lend themselves to repair in ways that many modern materials do not.

Repair of historic building fabric maintains the integrity of our built heritage. Materials should be a good match for and compatible with the original. Inappropriate repairs with the wrong materials can have unintended consequences. As well as being unsightly, they often exacerbate existing problems and cause longer-term damage.

Ask competent professionals to advise you. They will be familiar with the legislation and procedures. They will also have a feel for the qualities of historic buildings. Skilled contractors who understand traditional construction and building practices, will respond appropriately to neglect, ill-considered or unskilled building repairs, inappropriate treatment of materials and long-established decay. The adoption of a best practice approach may also provide continuing demand for such skills among local tradespeople.


Planning permission and/or listed building consent may be required - please check.

The aim should always be to restore character and enhance the quality and appearance of the building/area.

Where features are original to the architectural period of the property (or part of the building if built incrementally) or have been approved through the planning process, and have deteriorated beyond practical repair, their replacement on a 'like for like' basis may be appropriate.

For the avoidance of doubt 'like for like' in this context means the same material, details of construction and finish - the proposal must replicate the original or approved fabric as accurately as possible. Such alterations may be able to be agreed in writing, saving the cost of drawings and fees in many cases.

If any element is not identical or involves other changes which may have an effect on the character and appearance of a conservation area or affect the special architectural or historic qualities of a listed building, planning permission or listed building consent could be required.

Where the existing situation involves previous alterations of inappropriate design, materials or finish, ‘like for like’ replacement of that element would be unlikely to achieve necessary enhancement.


Planning permission and/or listed building consent may be required - please check.

Where buildings have previously been inappropriately altered and /or where important original detail has been lost over time, we encourage the reinstatement of authentic features.

Reinstatement should seek to accurately replicate what has been lost using appropriate materials, with work carried out by competent, skilled tradespeople. Some proposals for reinstatement may be able to be agreed in writing, saving the cost of drawings and fees in many cases.

Reinstatement of the character or appearance or historic/architectural interest through the removal of inappropriate alterations, which may be of inferior quality or detract from the building may also be appropriate.

A variety of sources can help identify original features. These include historic photos, plans or drawings. Existing features on the building itself can also help. One example is where an original shop fascia might be hidden beneath a modern one. Reference to neighbouring properties of a similar age can also help identify original features.

Reuse (conversion and changes of use)

Planning permission may be required for a change of use, planning permission and /or listed building consent will be required for conversion and internal/external alterations

Much of the special character of listed buildings, or buildings and spaces in conservation areas, comes from them being used for their original or long-established purpose.

These buildings also embody the skills, energies and knowledge of those who built them. This contributes to their significance and meaning.

Many buildings were built for a specific function. Examples include post offices, police stations, hotels, swimming pools, banks, churches, libraries and meeting halls. When that use becomes outdated or unnecessary, there are two significant challenges. One is finding appropriate alternative uses for the whole building. The other is providing for ongoing investment in maintenance of the structure while it is vacant. We encourage proposals for creative and sustainable uses for vacant and underutilised properties. These must be appropriate to the building and its position in the street. The retention of a suitable mix of uses in a particular location also helps ensure the future of buildings and places and can be important in preserving an area's character and vitality.

Removal (Demolition)

Conservation area consent or listed building consent is absolutely necessary.

Once lost, heritage buildings cannot be put back. Demolition should be regarded as the last resort once all other possibilities have been thoroughly examined. Pre-application discussions are encouraged to clarify the requirements of an application for demolition.

Listed Building Consent from us is required for substantial or total demolition of a listed building, and applicants will be expected to provide evidence to show that:

a. the building is not of special interest (if demolition is proposed on these grounds an application to delist the property could be made to Historic Environment Scotland before Listed Building Consent is applied for); or

b. the building is incapable of meaningful repair; or

c. the demolition of the building is essential to delivering significant benefits to economic growth or the wider community; or

d. the repair of the building is not economically viable and that it has been marketed at a price reflecting its location and condition to potential restoring purchasers for a reasonable period.

Conservation area consent from us is required for the total or substantial demolition of buildings with a volume greater than 115 cubic meters, and total or substantial demolition of structures within a conservation area.

Revitalise and Redevelop (New build)

Planning permission and/or listed building consent will be necessary.

The presence of vacant sites or neglected buildings in our communities can have negative impacts. Changes in our built environment are inevitable, and will sometimes involve the alteration and extension of listed buildings or the insertion of new buildings in conservation areas. Sympathetic, high-quality development can remedy negative effects and enhance the local area. Developments in historic settings do not need to look ‘old’ to be in harmony with their surroundings.

Development Principles

  • successful new developments often emerge from an awareness of the nature, form and history of the affected listed buildings or conservation areas. Submission of Design Statements are required
  • where the site is considered ‘significant’ due to its prominence, scale, visibility or relationship to other properties, proposals need to show how that significance has been taken into account
  • new additions should respect the character and appearance of the area in an innovative way. They should not seek to replicate earlier architectural styles but represent their own period and style. There is significant scope for contemporary architecture with inherent value which could, in future, become part of the historic environment
  • avoid modern interpretations of traditional vernacular features. These are often unsuccessful.
  • pay attention to orientation, building lines, street patterns, feus and riggs, scale and massing of buildings, heights, depth and patterns of window and door openings. Use local traditional materials and colours to ensure successful integration of old and new
  • new development should rely on the use of ‘traditional’ materials rather than mass-produced modular components. These age quickly, often go out of production and are not easily repaired or replaced.
  • maintain or enhance important open spaces, views and vistas
  • include sufficient detail to enable a proper assessment of the proposal. We do not accept applications for ‘permission in principle’
  • extensions : must protect the character and appearance of the building; should be subordinate in scale and form; should not be located on primary elevations; must be designed to a high quality and built with appropriate materials


New Design in Historic Settings Historic Scotland (May 2010). Guidance on principles to consider in designing new additions to historic settings.

Design Quality and Placemaking Supplementary Guidance 2018. Sets out our expectations for the design of new development and gives advice on how to meet them.

Managing Change in the Historic Environment : Extensions Historic Scotland (2010). The principles that apply to extending historic buildings. It should inform planning policies and the determination of applications relating to the historic environment.

Managing Change in the Historic Environment : Demolition of Listed Buildings (May 2019) This guidance should be used when the future of a listed building is uncertain and demolition is being considered as an option. It should not be used in isolation but read alongside the Use and Adaptation of Listed Buildings guidance.

Managing Change in the Historic Environment : Use and Adaptation of Listed Buildings (May 2019) This guidance note aims to support, promote and enable the continued use, reuse and adaptation of listed buildings. It is focused towards buildings whose long-term future is uncertain.