Development plan


How the Development Plan works

The Development Plan sets out a vision of how communities will develop in the future.

It consists of the three main documents listed below, and associated supplementary documents. Details of these supplementary documents appear on the following pages.

National Planning Framework 4

The National Planning Framework (NPF) is a long-term plan for Scotland that sets out where development and infrastructure is needed.

Scotland’s fourth National Planning Framework (NPF4) is a long-term plan looking to 2045 that guides spatial development, sets out national planning policies, designates national developments and highlights regional spatial priorities.

It is part of the development plan, and so influences planning decisions across Scotland.

NPF4 identifies spatial principles, regional spatial priorities, and national planning policies that, in conjunction with the relevant local development plan, provide the policy context for preparation of future local development plans and decision-making on proposals for new development.

Angus Local Development Plan

Sets out detailed policies and proposals to guide development and investment over a 10 year period. Reviewed every five years and used as a basis for determining planning applications.

Cairngorms National Park Local Development Plan

Sets out policies and proposals for the development and use of land. Provides the basis for the assessment of all planning applications across the National Park. It includes supplementary guidance which is available to view on the Cairngorms National Park Authority website.

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