Development plan


Other policies and studies

The following documents support the Angus Local Development Plan:

Angus settlements landscape capacity study

Assesses the landscape capacity for urban expansion across Arbroath, Brechin, Carnoustie, Forfar, Kirriemuir, Monifieth, Montrose, Edzell, Friockheim, Letham and Newtyle.

Brownfield land audit

A Brownfield Land Audit was undertaken between 2019 and 2022 to provide data for the new Angus Local Development Plan Evidence Report. The map below shows the sites included in the audit.

Minerals audit

This was undertaken in 2024 as required in Policy PV19 Minerals, and to provide data for the new Angus Local Development Plan Evidence Report

Town centre health checks

Town Centre Health Checks are recommended, through the planning system, as a way of analysing the factors which contribute to a successful town centre.

Retail floorspace survey (2017)

The Retail Floorspace Survey, undertaken every two years, is a survey of town centres in all seven Angus towns.

Strategic flood risk assessment

The principle of Strategic Flood Risk Management is to avoid locating new development in areas of flood risk. Directing all new development away from areas of flood risk in existing communities is not always a viable or sustainable option and there will be a need to ensure that development adapts to the changing climate.

Strategic environmental assessment statement

Shows how the environmental considerations and issues identified in the Environmental Assesment have been taken account of and integrated into the Angus Local Development Plan

Angus housing land audit

Angus Employment Land Audit

Scottish vacant and derelict land survey

Next: Development delivery/live action programme