Strategic Landscape Capacity Assessment for Solar Energy in Angus



The Angus Local Development Plan 2016 (ALDP) includes Policy PV9 on Renewable and Low Carbon Energy Development. The ALDP is supported by an Action Programme which sets out how Angus Council intends to implement the ALDP. Action 41 in the Action Programme includes the preparation of Supplementary Guidance on Renewable and Low Carbon Energy Development.

This study is intended to provide a background technical assessment of the landscape capacity of Angus to accommodate solar photovoltaic development and is intended to complement the Strategic Landscape Capacity Assessment for Wind Energy in Angus (2014) prepared by Ironside Farrar on behalf of Scottish Natural Heritage and Angus Council (the wind energy study). As with the wind energy study, it is intended that the Strategic Landscape Capacity Assessment for Solar Energy in Angus will:

  • be recognised as a material consideration in the determination of planning applications for solar energy proposals, and;
  • inform the preparation of supplementary guidance for policy PV9 of the emerging Local Development Plan.