Mental health, wellbeing, suicide prevention and crisis support links

If you are having thoughts of suicide or feelings of distress, call:

Emergencies on 999      



Suicide prevention and crisis support

The Samaritans 

If you're having a difficult time or worried about someone else.

NHS Inform - Suicide 

If you're dealing with suicidal thoughts or thinking about self-harm, you can get help now.

Suicide? Help!

Information website and app for people who are thinking about suicide or those worried about someone else. As well as providing information about suicide, such as how to get help and what signs to look for in others, it provides details of relevant local services. There is also information if you have been bereaved by suicide.

Breathing Space

Free, confidential, phone and webchat service for anyone in Scotland over the age of 16 experiencing low mood, depression or anxiety. Open up when you're feeling down - phone 0800 83 85 87.

Insight Counselling: Angus Adults Bereaved by Suicide

A specific service for people in Angus who have lost someone to suicide.

Call: 01382 305706 or email

Penumbra Angus suicide prevention and support service

Available to adults in Angus who have experienced thoughts of, or attempted, suicide.

Support is also available for family members, carers or friends of adults experiencing suicidal thoughts.

Penumbra offer telephone, email and face-to-face support to promote safety, wellbeing and recovery.

They can also provide information and guidance about suicide prevention.

There is no waiting list for this service. A referral form is not required but can be completed and emailed if preferred.

Freephone: 0800 135 7899


Penumbra Distress Brief Intervention (DBI)

Compassionate response to people in distress within 24 hours, and for up to two weeks. Referral through identified and trained Level 1 frontline staff. 

Call: 07717 451 878


Penumbra Self Harm

Self-referral or referral from other agencies

Call:  01382 223487


Online portal: Self-Harm Network Scotland, Penumbra

Reach Across

Arbroath-based charity providing help and support to people aged 18 and over affected by suicide and anxiety.