Angus Community Councillors' Information Handbook


Useful contacts and further information

Angus Council’s Community Council Contact Details

Contacting Angus Council

Routine/general enquiries 



See the councillor information page if you wish to contact your local Councillor



Further Information

A number of documents are referred to in this handbook. Full copies are available online. If you have any difficulties accessing these please email


National Standards for Community Engagement

  1. INCLUSION - we will identify and involve the people and organisations that are affected by the focus of engagement
  2. SUPPORT - we will identify and overcome any barriers to participation
  3. PLANNING - there is a clear purpose for the engagement, which is based on a shared understanding of community needs and ambitions
  4. METHODS - we will use methods of engagement that are fit for purpose
  5. WORKING TOGETHER - we will work effectively together to achieve the aims of the engagement
  6. COMMUNICATION - we will communicate clearly and regularly with the people, organisations and communities affected by the engagement
  7. IMPACT - we will assess the impact of the engagement and use what has been learned to improve our future community engagement

Minutes of Community Council Meetings Template

(name) Community Council Meeting held on (date) at (time) in (venue)

In attendance

List community councillors and others in attendance


List community councillors and others who have submitted their apologies


Minutes of Previous Meeting

Minutes of previous meeting to be approved by community council. To be proposed and seconded.

Matters Arising

To give update/progress on matters discussed at previous meeting which are not included on the agenda.

Local Councillor Update

Updates by local elected members in attendance.


List of correspondence received

Planning Applications

Planning Contact to provide summary of planning applications. Community council to agree response if appropriate.

Treasurer’s Report

Treasurer to give summary of current financial situation

Other agenda items

Business that requires to be discussed at the meeting.


Any other items for discussion that not included on the agenda

Date of Next Meeting

Confirm date, time and venue of next meeting

Council structure

Additional information on council structure

Next: Angus Council Community Council Workshop September 2019: The Planning System