Angus Local Access Forum

Angus Local Access Forum is an independent advisory group giving advice on access rights and other outdoor access matters.


Forum role and membership requirements

The role of the Local Access Forum

The Forum has a solely advisory role, offering advice to Angus Council and others on access rights and other outdoor access matters such as the core paths plan.

The Forum aims to reach a consensus to present an objective opinion on topics discussed and offer potential routes to resolution of access issues in Angus.

Access issues may arise in urban, suburban and rural areas across Angus. Each issue will require an individual approach to reaching resolution.

Members will have opportunities to take part in and contribute to relevant local or national stakeholder meetings, discussion groups and consultations, such as joint meetings with the National Access Forum.

Representation of interests

There is a requirement for Local Access Forums to have a balance of interests, representing people who use access rights and people who own or manage land.

The Forum also aims to have members who are representative of more general community interests. In practice most members will have a range of interests spanning these groups.

The requirements of Forum members

Members should have an open attitude, with a willingness to listen to the views of others and work constructively towards achieving a consensus.
Members require to take an open, objective and balanced approach to resolution of access issues as they arise. Taking into consideration the views and perspective of individuals directly involved (such as local access takers and land managers) as well as the legal and advisory framework of the Land Reform legislation and the Scottish Outdoor Access code and in some cases the perspective of national representative groups.

Members should preferably have a working knowledge of access legislation, the Scottish Outdoor Access Code, and established and emerging patterns of land use. Or a willingness to learn about these subjects.

The time commitment of members

Meetings are held 4 times a year, each lasting for 2 hours. They are held in the evening,either in person or online. Meetings are scheduled several months in advance. Approximately 2 -3 hours of preparation (reading of papers etc) may be required in advance of each meeting.

Occasionally a site visit may be required, or a sub-group may be set up to advise on a specific issue. Involvement in these is voluntary and based on members’ interest and availability.

Appointment of members

Prospective members will normally be invited to attend a meeting of the Forum, after which the Forum will make its recommendations to Angus Council.

The Council formally appoints members to the Forum. It will normally follow the recommendations of the Forum, subject to ensuring that the membership contains a sufficient balance of interests as above.

Next: Letter from the Chair