Angus Local Access Forum is an independent advisory group giving advice on access rights and other outdoor access matters.
Dear Sir/Madam
Angus Local Access Forum is seeking new members
Angus Local Access Forum brings together individuals with a common interest in responsible access to urban and rural land across Angus in line with the Scottish Outdoor Access Code. The Forum is an independent body, constituted by Angus Council under the Land Reform legislation and is overseen by their Access Officer. The Forum’s primary role is to advise on access, and resolution of access issues, across Angus.
Membership of the Forum (see below) is intended to reflect a broad and balanced perspective of land access, ranging from occasional recreational access takers to land owners or managers. The Forum’s working model is one of non-adversarial discussion, and any opinion or advice given is based on consensus among the Forum’s members.
Information on the Forum’s role, membership requirements and details of our current members and recent meetings are available at
Anyone who might be interested in joining the Forum can download a simple application form from the above website, or e-mail
We would be grateful if you could pass this on to anyone in your organisation or community who may be interested.
Andrew Matthews
Chair, Angus Local Access Forum
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