Scheme for the establishment of Community Councils

After completion of a review in 2022, the following Scheme for the Establishment of Community Councils was approved by Angus Council on 30 June 2022 and came into effect on 1 August 2022. This scheme provides the framework for the operation of community councils in Angus.


Membership of Community Councils

The minimum/maximum membership for each community council is set out in the community council membership numbers in Appendix 2.

The maximum number of members for each community council is based on the total registered electorate that it represents. Membership numbers will be reviewed and updated, where necessary every four years prior to scheduled elections or prior to any proposed amendments to this scheme.

The minimum age to stand for election to a community council is 16, subject to the provisions of 7.1 below. 

Each Community Council may nominate up to five additional youth members (age 14 and over) as set out in Appendix 2 to represent the views of young people in the community. Youth members will have full voting rights and will be counted in terms of meeting a quorum. Youth members will be entitled but not obliged to serve from the date of their nomination until the next scheduled elections. Youth members must live in the community council area they wish to represent. 

Elected members of the council and members of the Scottish and United Kingdom Parliaments are entitled to become ex-officio members of community councils and attend community council meetings, with no voting rights.

Next: Community Council elections