Scheme for the establishment of Community Councils

After completion of a review in 2022, the following Scheme for the Establishment of Community Councils was approved by Angus Council on 30 June 2022 and came into effect on 1 August 2022. This scheme provides the framework for the operation of community councils in Angus.


Liaison with the Council

In order to help facilitate the effective functioning of community councils, the council has identified an official to act as a liaison officer with community councils. Unless there is a specific agreement or an issue is a specific service issue, all correspondence between the council and a community council must in the first instance, be directed though this liaison officer.  
Community councils may make representations to the council and other public and private agencies, on matters for which it is responsible and which it considers to be of public interest. Representations must be made, in the case of statutory objections, such as planning or licensing matters, to the appropriate council officer. On issues where a service is consulting with a community council; representations should be made to the appropriate council officer. 

Community councils shall provide copies of their agendas and minutes to the council within the prescribed timescales via the council liaison officer.

Next: Resourcing a Community Council