A teacher’s working year consists of:
- 190 teaching days to coincide with the school year for pupils
- 5 in-service development days
- 40 annual leave days
- 26 school closure days (agreed annually by the AJNCT)
Within the working 35 hour week (full time) there are maximum class contact hours an allowance of no less than one third of the teacher’s actual class contact commitment for preparation and correction. Remaining time is subject to agreement at the school level. This is pro rata for part time contracts. A teacher must agree an annual CPD plan and maintain an individual CPD record.
A Music Instructor’s working year consists of:
- 190 days to coincide with the school year for pupils
- 5 in-service development days
- 40 annual leave days
- 26 school closure days (agreed annually by the AJNCT)
Within the 35 hour week (full time) a maximum of 27.5 hours in any one will be pupil contact and a minimum of 2.5 hours per week will be for preparation, instrument maintenance, transportation and orchestration. The remaining 5 hours are for activities set out in SNCT section 3.17.
The precise details of pay and working year/week are set out in SNCT Section 1 and Section 3 for Teachers and Music Instructors.
In addition Angus Council has the following terms and conditions of employment applicable to Teachers and Music Instructors, covering the following subjects: Supporting Attendance, Email & Internet Use, Employee Gender Based Violence, Flexible Working, Bullying & harassment at work, HIV & Aids in employment, Management of Stress at Work, Use of Social Media and Whistleblowing.
AJNCT local agreements