Welcome to the 2022 - 2030 Community Plan. This plan outlines how we will deliver our vision:-
Angus is a great place to live, work and visit
This is our Community Plan for Angus, covering the period 2022 to 2030. It builds on the longstanding and solid foundation of effective partnership working in the delivery of our Community Plan (2017 - 2021) and the many and notable achievements which have been realised throughout the area since April 2017.
The new Community Plan comes at a time when we face many challenges, not least reducing funding for the public sector. The plan outlines our focus and commitment to work more closely and effectively together to realise our ambitions for Angus, delivering positive change and securing the best possible future for our communities.
This plan is set in the context of three key themes: Economy, People and Place. We believe this focuses our collective action to achieve the greatest impact for local people.
The design of the plan is a result of a significant amount of engagement and participation with local communities. The work has grown from initial charrette engagement in 2017 and now incorporates the new ‘Place Planning’ legislation. This coupled with the Community Wealth Building principles will pave the way for closer partnership working in this new post pandemic environment.
Next: Our Angus