People are the heart of Angus. They contribute to the communities in which they live.
Our focus as a partnership is on empowering, supporting and when necessary, protecting children and vulnerable adults, through early intervention and prevention.
In Angus, our partnership work is delivered through a range of partnership groups including Angus Integrated Children’s Services Group, Child Protection Committee and Adult Protection Committee. This work is reported to the multiagency Angus Chief Officers Group (COG) and reported annually to the Scrutiny & Audit Committee of Angus Council and Angus Integrated Joint Board.
Protecting People Angus is the collective term for the multi-agency committees, partnerships and networks in Angus who work together to develop the shared agenda, ensure collaboration and coordination, make best use of available resources and consider a whole family approach to care, wellbeing and protection.
Getting it right for every child remains at the heart of our approach to working with children and young people. Our focus is on ensuring that every child has the best start in life, has access to quality early years provision and support throughout their education, and ensuring children are supported to make good choices for their future. Where children have additional support needs or where they cannot live safely with their families, we will work together to provide targeted supports with a focus on keeping children in a family setting and within their local community.
Partners across Angus have signed up to the delivery of ‘The Angus Promise Plan’. Locally this involves work from organisations to prevent children requiring to be taken into the care system. We are currently reviewing policy, practice, and culture so Angus can #KeepThePromise. –We want every child to grow up loved, safe and respected.
We are working in partnership to deliver the themes in the Angus Education Plan 2022-27, and ensure that all of our children and young people have the opportunity to achieve. Our priorities are informed by local and national contexts and we work with a range of partners to deliver them. The AEP identifies our targets for achieving the key measures identified by Scottish Government.
Angus currently has a rate of 93.2% of school leavers going onto a positive destination. We will work with children and young people to improve opportunities and positive destinations for all, including care-experienced school leavers and those affected by the poverty-related attainment gap.
Through Community Learning & Development, people of all ages are empowered to work individually or collectively to make positive changes in their lives, and in their communities, through learning, personal development and active citizenship. We will achieve this by work in four key thematic service areas: Adult Learning; Youth Work; Community Development and Tenant Participation. Performance will be measured against National Performance Indicators and reported through the Angus Community Learning & Development Plan.
Angus Health and Social Care Partnership delivers a broad range of health, care and social work services for adults living within Angus communities and has made a strategic commitment to improve health, wellbeing and independence. Focusing on prevention and early intervention people will be empowered to live and age well.
Building on the work that the partnership has developed around social prescribing we are about to launch a new project to use leisure services to better support preventative mental health and wellbeing as we believe that a shift in partner resources can influence better outcomes for people.
The Tayside Living Life Well Angus Action Plan sets out priority areas to support a lifelong approach to mental health in Angus. The partnership will explore options to develop a business case for an urgent and crisis care locality hub in Angus which would be open 24/7 to support our residents.
Early intervention and support for families is crucial for family wellbeing. We are committed to supporting families out of crisis, experiencing poverty and who need help with basic resources such as housing, heating, clothing, food, benefits etc.
Currently 20% of children (3,809) in Angus are living in poverty. As the cost-of-living increases, we anticipate that this number will increase and we are committed to doing everything we can to mitigate the impacts. Delivery of Our Bright Futures Action Plan provides a focus for the work of the partnership.
It is estimated that 40% of households are experiencing fuel poverty which is monitored through the Local Child Poverty Action Report. With rising energy costs, we anticipate that the percentage is likely to grow beyond this, and we are exploring how we can best mitigate the situation.
Angus Women’s project was the first service design project delivered in Angus as part of the new approach to supporting people in Angus. This saw local people informing us how they wanted services for women delivered. We are committed to build on this work to ensure women and families are safe and empowered.
Glen Clova, a trauma informed support service for women on the edges of the justice system has concluded its 4-year pilot with very positive results in promoting positive mental health, recovery from trauma and domestic abuse and increased parenting skills. We are committed to continuing to support gender responsive services and will take this learning to inform service development and delivery.
Primary 1 (P1) children have their height and weight checked as part of the child health programme. The P1 review is a vital source of robust, population-based data on child healthy weight and is the only national indicator currently used to assess progress in reducing childhood obesity. This data can be used to inform local planning and delivery of services and focus collective effort where it is needed most. Increasing the proportion of children who have a healthy weight and reducing the inequality in obesity risk between children growing up in the most deprived areas versus children in the most affluent areas will have positive impact on the physical and emotional wellbeing of the population now and in the future. Tayside Regional Improvement Collaborative’s Child Healthy Weight (CHW) CHW Strategy and Connected Tayside Strategy are addressing the health and wellbeing of children through a range of ambitions, interventions and activities. Preventing premature deaths through suicide and substance misuse continue to be a priority for our community planning partnership in Angus. Closely linked to mental health and wellbeing, our Drugs and Alcohol Partnership is intervening to help improve outcomes for people through targeted work with partners across the area.
Together we will –
- Deliver Whole Family Wellbeing programme to include early intervention supports for children and their families.
- Deliver The Angus Promise Plan.
- Provide support to the Angus Child and Adult Protection Committees and report on progress annually.
- Deliver the priorities in the Angus Education Plan.
- Develop and deliver Our Bright Futures Strategy with a focus on lifting children and families out of poverty through work and preventing future families from falling into poverty.
- Deliver actions across the four key thematic areas of the Community Learning and Development Plan.
- Develop and implement the Tayside Living Life Well Angus Action Plan resulting in a shift in partner resources and better outcomes for people.
- Reduce the number of people being issued items for depression and anxiety alongside the number of days spent in a hospital setting by delivering the Angus Health and Social Care Strategic plan.
- Support specific services for women, recognising their role in families and promoting trauma responsive services.
- Reduce the number of deaths from suicide and substance misuse.
- Increase early intervention and services to support for people with socio- economic disadvantage and/or distress.
- Realise the 5 ambitions of the Child Healthy Weight Strategy through implementation of a Whole Systems Approach
Our measures
Target data is set based on upcoming budgets, resources and previous year trends. For new indicators the trend data will be reviewed during the performance reporting period.
Measure | Baseline 20/21 | 2021/22 | Target Year 3 | Target Year 5 | Target Year 8 |
Percentage of children living in poverty | 20.60% | NA[1] | 19% | 17% | 15% |
Number of children living in poverty | 3,809 | NA2 | 3,770 | 3,690 | 3,600 |
Number of workless households | 5,900 | 6,000 | 5,700 | 5,500 | 5,300 |
Number of people of working age with no or low qualification |
5.6% |
4.2% |
4% |
3.8% |
3.5% |
Children with a Healthy Weight at Primary 1 age group living in SIMD 1 | 67.2% (baseline pre- pandemic, 2018/19) | 59.2% | increase | increase | increase |
Children with a Healthy Weight at Primary 1 age group living in SIMD 2 |
72.5% | 66.5% | increase | increase | increase |
Inequality in risk of obesity between children in least v’s most deprived areas, at Primary 1 age group | 67.2% v’s 87.2% (+20%) | 59.2% v’s 89.3% (+30.1) |
reduce |
reduce |
reduce |
Achievement of Curriculum for Excellence Levels for Literacy and Numeracy (P1/4/7) | 3671 Literacy – 72.2% Numeracy – 78.4% |
Literacy – 75.0% Numeracy – 82.0% |
Targets are set and reviewed on an annual basis. Our targets for 22/23 can be found in the Angus Education Plan. | ||
Proportion of school leavers attaining 1 or more passes at SQA National A-C - Level 5 |
87.0% |
NA2 | |||
Proportion of school leavers attaining 1 or more passes at SQA National A-C - Level 6 |
63.6% |
NA2 | |||
Proportion of 16-19 year olds participating in education, employment or training |
92.4% |
93.2% | |||
Number of adults and young people engaged in Community Learning & Development (CLD) activity | NA [3] | 6,060 | Increase | Increase | Increase |
Percentage of people able to look after their own health | 93% | NA [2] | 95% | 97% | 98% |
Rate of deaths under 75 (per 100,000) | 370.5 | 418.6 | 390 | 370 | 350 |
[1] 20221/22 data not yet available. Plan will be updated when available.
[2] 20221/22 data not yet available. Plan will be updated when available.
[3] This is data for Angus 2018/19- the last year of complete data available (data for 2021/22 will be published mid-December) *NA – New CLD performance indicators from national governing body.
Next: Caring for our place