Angus is a beautiful county, bounded by the coastline from Monifieth to Montrose on one side and the hills and Glens on the other, with the fertile, beautiful Strathmore Valley in between. Studded within the rural countryside, the seven towns of Angus each have an individual flair and fascinating histories coupled with many villages and hamlets giving Angus a very special appeal.
Adults stating that their neighbourhood is a good place to live currently stands at 96%, confirming that people are generally satisfied with their own place, with approximately only 1% of all properties falling below tolerable standards.
The Scottish Government published the Housing to 2040 national strategy which sets the vision for Council and Social housing in Scotland over the next 20 years and a route map detailing how we will get there. There are four stages of the route map, each of which is interwoven with the three priorities of the CPP:
More homes at the heart of great places – ensuring we have an adequate supply of affordable housing in the right places
Affordability and choice – ensuring that everyone has access to a quality place they can call home
Affordable warmth and zero emissions – ensuring that everyone can live in comfort, can afford to adequately heat their home to improve their wellbeing, and do our bit to curtail the impact of climate change
Improve the quality of all homes – ensuring that our homes meet our changing needs, enable independent living, and are all bound by the same high standards.
The Angus Local Housing Strategy (2022-27) will be the vehicle to set out the local response as to how housing can help improve the lives of our residents and communities by removing inequalities, enhancing our environment, and creating opportunities to support wellbeing.
We have detailed above how we are supporting the renewable energy industry but we are also helping our tenants by ensuring low carbon design for new housing, together with retrofitting Angus Council housing stock to reduce energy consumption.
Angus is known to be one of the safest places to live in Scotland based on recorded crimes and offences which are on a downward trajectory and currently stands at 703 (per 10,000). We want to keep Angus as one of the safest places to live. Partners actively work together to protect communities and people from crime and respond quickly to address any areas of concern.
Partners have also worked together to produce an anti-social behaviour strategy aimed at dealing with community issues and this strategy is now being implemented.
In 2021 Angus Council was the 5th top recycling authority in Scotland and send the third lowest amount of waste to landfill. The current rate sits at 54.7% of all waste being recycled which happens both at the kerbside and in the seven recycling centres. Communities and individuals make the difference and our educational focus on climate change also helps to ensure we continue to improve in this important area.
Addressing climate change is now a key priority for the partnership and we have recently agreed our Sustainable Energy and Climate Action Plan (SECAP) for Angus. This details the action we will take both in the short and longer term to help protect our places through clean growth and lower carbon emissions.
Our Local Development Plan will consider where best to locate any new developments and new partnership place plans are currently being considered. These place plans are built on engagement with our communities to ensure we are investing in the right places in line with our priorities. We would like to develop places that work for everyone and are therefore in the process of exploring the potential of more changing places toilet facilities.
Commissioned by ANGUSalive and the Angus Place Partnership at the outset of the coronavirus pandemic, the Angus Cultural Strategy sets out an exciting forward plan and additional support for Angus’ local culture and heritage sector as it emerges from lockdown.
Storms have decimated trees throughout Angus and together we need to consider how we replace these. Flood protection measures are also being enhanced in some areas. We are currently consulting on measures to defend our coastline.
Working with our communities will help us to respond in crisis and plan better for the future.
Together we will –
- Support our business community to contribute to the net zero targets and support our environment.
- Take action to address climate change to ensure communities are sustainable.
- Work with communities to ensure support for those experiencing extreme weather events.
- Monitor the implementation of the Angus cultural and sports strategies.
- Encourage the growing and distribution of local produce as set out in the Angus Food Growing Strategy.
- Work together with our partners on community safety and support our citizens through delivery of the Anti-Social Behaviour strategy.
- Deliver the priorities of the Housing to 2040 national strategy.
- Ensure rehousing of homeless families into permanent accommodation at the earliest opportunity.
- Work with communities to deliver outcomes from Place Plans.
- Make services more accessible for all by developing services with people in our communities.
- Continue to support our partnership arrangements through Tactran ensuring our roads, path and cycle networks are accessible.
Our measures
Target data is set based on upcoming budgets, resources and previous year trends. For new indicators the trend data will be reviewed during the performance reporting period.
Measure | Baseline 20/21 | 21/22 | Target Year 3 | Target Year 5 | Target Year 8 |
Adults stating their neighbourhood is a good place to live |
96% |
96% |
96.5% |
96.7% |
97% |
Recorded crimes and offences (per 10,000) |
293 |
409 |
NA[1] |
NA4 |
NA4 |
Recycling rate | 57.9% | 63% | 64% | 65% | 66% |
Fuel Poverty (local authority) | 22% | 40%[2] | 39% | 38% | 37% |
Number of new build affordable homes delivered against annual target |
141 |
159 |
120 |
Percentage council stock that meets the Scottish Housing Quality Standard |
94.24% |
70.67% |
Increase |
Increase |
Increase |
Active travel to school by primary and secondary pupils |
55.60% |
50.3% |
51.5% |
52.5% |
54% |
Number of electric charging points available |
51 |
121 |
140 |
165 |
180 |
Number of changing places facilities & use |
10 |
10 |
13 |
15 |
17 |
Number of Homeless Applications | 489 | 281 | 275 | 265 | 250 |
[1] Not appropriate to set targets for recorded crime due to the complex nature of the measure and the percentage of police time applied to this work.
[2] Estimate based on (circa 22,600) of Angus households that have income £25k or under.
Next: How we will measure and report on progress