Angus Community Plan 2022 to 2030


Our shared priorities

Caring for our Economy

  • Support Angus to achieve inclusive and sustainable economic growth, with a particular focus on the long-term potential of private and public investment opportunities in offshore renewable energy
  • Encourage and invest in fair work opportunities for those that live, work and study in Angus
  • Support entrepreneurship across Angus

Caring for our People

  • Reduce inequalities in all our communities
  • Provide the best start in life for children
  • Create more opportunities for people to live well and achieve their personal goals
  • Improve physical, mental health and wellbeing

Caring for our Place

  • Protect and enhance our natural and built environment
  • Enable inclusive, empowered, resilient and safe communities across Angus
  • Make our local services accessible
  • Improve connectivity in and around Angus

Why your views matter

Since 2020 we have been engaging the public and local organisations on what should be included in the Community Plan through sessions with partner organisations, listening events and service design. Partners then circulated the draft to their networks to ensure everyone had the opportunity to provide their views.

This refreshed plan reflects our understanding of what is important to communities and what we believe to be our priorities for partnership working following the Covid-19 pandemic.

How we will deliver community planning in Angus

The Community Plan is an eight-year Plan for the period 2022 to 2030 with an annual review process built into the planning cycle. Over and above our planned programme of action via our delivery groups, within each year period the Community Planning Partnership Board will focus on two or three priority issues, with the expectation of a demonstrable shift in relation to performance.

The plan provides us with:

  • a clear understanding of place and communities,
  • identification of improved outcomes
  • a performance management framework including performance indicators and targets against which we will assess and improve our performance.

Next: Our plan for Angus