To improve alignment and delivery of joint actions the Angus Community Plan brings together all of our partners’ priorities and objectives which will reduce the reporting requirements across the area and provide a central point of performance reporting so the impact of work monitored and evaluated: -
Caring for our economy, people and place
Police Scotland
- Protect vulnerable people from harm
- Reduce stigma and harm from drug use
- Deal with disorder and antisocial behaviour
Scottish Fire and Rescue
- Our communities are safer and their wellbeing is improved
- We are more adaptable in responding to changing risks across and between communities
Department of Work and Pensions
- Create a fair and affordable welfare system which improves the life chances of children
- increase saving for, and security in, later life
- Run an effective welfare system that enables people to achieve financial independence by providing assistance and guidance into employment
D&A College
- Community
- Partnerships
- Future focuses
Angus Council
- Growing the economy
- Caring for our people
- Caring for our place
Skills Development Scotland
- Create learning opportunities that help our customers get into and progress in rewarding work so that they develop the skills and competencies that drive productive businesses and regions and help create a fairer, more equal society
- We will help all out customer to adapt and thrive in the changing world of work, making sure they have the skills they need to prepare for, plan and manage rewarding careers throughout their lives
- support an agile, responsive, resilient and inclusive skills ecosystem that consistently delivers the skills the Scottish economy needs, we will work with our partners across Scotland to make sure the learning they do prepares them for rewarding work.
NHS Tayside
- TRIC - Connected Tayside Strategy - mental health and emotional wellbeing
- Addressing health inequalities and impact of cost of living on health, sustainability of interventions, whole systems approach
- Whole system approach for child healthy weight, reducing smoking prevalence, mental health and physical activity for example
- A Scotland where we have a sustainable, inclusive economy with equality of outcomes for all
- A Scotland where we flourish in our early years
- A Scotland where we live in vibrant, healthy and safe places and communities
- Operating profitable services
- Wellbeing solutions
- Shared delivery models/alternative delivery models
- Leadership and culture
- Good mental health for all
- Primary and community mental health
Voluntary Action Angus
- Key leadership role in both health and social care. Community planning to strengthen the impact of a third sector and better connected to key outcomes on improving wellbeing
- Brokerage role to third sector organisations and capacity building support at Angus-wide and locality level
- Breastfeeding peer support
D&A Chamber of Commerce
- Helping businesses understand 'Wellbeing economy' and how it impacts their business
- Future skills/filling vacancies
- Net Zero/Circular Economy
Scottish Enterprise
- Supporting business with a focus on innovation, investment and international
- supporting the delivery of the Tay Cities Regional Economic Strategy
- Supporting key economic projects/initiatives in angus aligning with our national strategy
- Helping deliver inclusive economic growth
- Reducing inequalities improving our health and wellbeing
- taking climate action
Third sector collaborative
- Co-design and co-production of services
- Building capacity in communities
Next: Our partnership